Hi Pip


Hope that you are well?


Is it possible to post some of these images showing


1st two show; the old Airfield buildings that are still existing from Takali Airfield, where Geoff Wellum, Tom Neil and others also from 249 Sqn, etc, once flew during the Siege of Malta between 1940 and 43?


2nd two show; the old Officers Quarters with the terrace where Laddie Lucas, Johnny Plagis, Beurling and many pilots sat watching their friends trying to get back to land on the airfield, (being followed in and attacked by the hordes of Me109s ), in the valley, below this terrace of the Xara Palace Hotel, in M`Dina, above Rabat.


3rd series shows just some of the pilots who died there fighting for Malta. Noted are Peter Nash the 14 Victory ace, Norman MacQueen a notable pilot who was shot down whilst being watched from this terrace, by an unseen Me109, also there are some others who were notable names on the island;Now they lie at rest under peaceful skies in Cappuccini Naval Cemetary, at Kalkara, on the hill overlooking Valetta`s docklands.


4/Are some others which may be of interest? The Pont du Vue Hotel where some Bomb damage can still be seen from the inner entrance where some RAF pilots were killed by a bomb hitting the area as they were leaving the Hotel.


All of these images are as recorded in the excellent book by Philip "Laddie" Lucas called Malta-The Thorn in Rommel`s Side. 


Best wishes Pip.





Paul Davies