Hi Again here are the others from the last e mail of Malta for the ones missing.


Showing the last resting places of the Fighter pilots and crews of the Beauforts and other aircraft who were lost in action for the cause of Malta, 1940-43.


Included are the last resting places of Peter Nash, Norman MacQueen and Duggoe Leggo of the Spitfire boys who lie there now under peaceful blue skies above Malta, that they fought for. Cappuccinni Naval Military Cemetary, Kalkara, near Valetta, Malta.


Last is the Hotel Pont du Vue, tragically still showing signs of the bomb damage to its entrance walls where some fighter pilots were killed in the entrance by a stray, or planned(?) bomb on the former pilots quarters there.


Thank you Pip, If you cannot post all of these then choose any  ou fell you can to represent these menfrom the 2 emails.


If you visit you will have a lump in your throat.


It really moved be being there and reading of these men cut down aged 20 and 21.


Best wishes


Paul Davies