Pippa Books 4 Children
Pippa Books 4 Children
About the author
Pippa grew up in Hobart, Australia and now lives in London, England with her husband Riccardo. She has two grown children and two gorgeous grandchildren. Her first book - "Kiddleywinks & Pirates" - was published by Harper Collins in 1989 and is now available as an iBook here...
My book, Kiddleywinks and Pirates, re-released as an iBook.
Click here to buy it on iTunes Store
Other titles...
•A Tiger in the Tiffin Room
•Confloption Castle
•Crocodiles Don't Have Horns
•The Vegetable Garden at the Bottom of the World
•The Muck and Bullets Club
•Three Can Keep a Secret if Two of Them Are Dead
My dad, 30/8/1916-22/5/2001:
R.A.A.F. 1940-1945.
No. 1 I.T.S. Somers.
No. 7 E.F.T.S. Western Junction.
No.1. S.F.T.S. Point Cook.
C.F.S Camden.
No.8 E.F.T.S. Narrandera.
C.F.S. Tamworth.
No.5. S.F.T.S. Uranquinty.
No. 8 O.T.U.
S.A. Canberra
DH 82 Gipsy.
Hawker Demon.
Avro Trainer.
Airspeed Oxford.
Avro Anson.
Moth Minor.
Spitfire Vc
Spitfire V111c
Flying through the 40's
In time I will type up my dad's manuscript of what it was like to fly and Instruct during WW2 in Australia.
We were flying to London for Xmas. Some 40 years after the War's end.
Permission granted, I decided to take a stroll up to visit the Captain.
"You flew Spitfires!" exclaimed the Boeing 747 Jumbo Captain sitting bolt upright in his seat.
"Spitfires, eh?" chipped in the Second Officer. "I was reading something about them only last week. What Mark of Spitfire were they?"
'I trained on clapped-out Mark Vs, "I replied.
'But we were using Mark V 11s in operations against the Japanese in the Pacific."
My dad in shorts